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Robot builds up the ‘Uber of the forest’

In 2020, on a flight between São Paulo and Boa Vista, Marcello Guimarães, owner of Mahogany Roraima, took an agenda and a pencil out of his bag and began to scribble a machine project that could automate the planting of African mahogany that he does on his farm near the capital of Roraima. What initially seemed like a simple idea to solve a problem of its own suddenly attracted the interest of giants in the pulp and paper sector, evolved into the construction of a new business and, in July, will enter the Brazilian market as a solution to automate the planting of any type of tree, whether in commercial forests or in forest restorations.

The first prototype was built by a Venezuelan immigrant who was working on his farm and who had experience building agricultural machinery. After some tests and publications on social networks, Guimarães began to receive contacts from giants like Suzano and Eldorado. “Companies wanted to participate in the project,” he says.

Unlike other seedling planting machines, the one from Mahogany Roraima has a sliding track that allows the nozzle that inserts the seedling into the soil to remain stationary in the earth while the machine is moving. This mechanism prevents the beak from “walking” through the soil, which, in other machines, tends to cause failures in the seedling attachment and require subsequent manual adjustment. This difference is what should make your business “disruptive”, argues Guimarães. “I want to be the Uber of the forest”, he compares.

In its current format, the machine can still be used in any biome, “even the desert,” he says. He believes that the solution can also be used in the planting of pre-sprouted seedlings and sugar cane (“MPB”), an activity that is still predominantly manual.

The solution was creative, but there was no one to execute it. “I was just well-meaning,” he jokes. It was by chance that he received a call from his accountant, who revealed the existence of a small manufacturer of agricultural machinery and implements in the interior of São Paulo, Incomagri. By coincidence, the company from São Paulo already had a self-propelled machine, in which it would only be necessary to attach the nozzle and sliding conveyor mechanism designed on the plane.

Fast Development

The advantage of the partnership with Incomagri was the solution development speed. As all of the machine’s equipment already had approval from the manufacturers, the development process was easier than it would have been with a large manufacturer, says Guimarães. The businessman opened a patent application for the equipment he developed, and today Incomagri is already dedicating one of its warehouses in Itapira (SP) to manufacture the seedling planter, nicknamed Forest.bot.

Guimarães financed the development of the project with Mahogany Roraima’s earnings from the sale of Forest Replacement Credits for the cultivation of African mahogany. To produce and market Forest.bot, he opened a new company, Autonomus Agro Machines, and last October he granted 15% of the capital to Incomagri. At first, the machine will run on diesel, but the entrepreneur is already planning to develop electric and completely autonomous machines.

The company should already enter with an aggressive footprint in the market, with a value well below the competitors. A machine without intelligent suspension should cost R$ 2.98 million, while other planters already on sale cost more than R$ 4 million. According to Guimarães, the value was calculated so that it is included in the basic expense that pulp and paper companies have with the replacement of old machines. Thus, this cost does not need to be submitted for board approvals.

Lack of manpower

The segment that should first seek a solution is the pulp and paper industry, which has been complaining for years about the lack of labor to plant its pine and eucalyptus trees. In fact, Forest.bot tests are being carried out in some companies in the sector, such as Suzano and Eldorado. But Guimarães hopes that his invention can also act in ARR projects, which involve the planting of forests from scratch (afforestation), the restoration of recently deforested areas (reforestation) and the recovery of degraded soils (revegetation).

The businessman is excited about the potential of this activity, given the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Brazilian climate commitment, which includes the recovery of 12 million hectares of forest. In companies with training, the planting of 900 trees in half a hectare is usually done by nine workers within an hour. Just to recover the areas of forest that were deforested, he estimates that it would be necessary to plant 7 billion trees, which would require a much larger contingent of labor than what the forestry sector manages to keep in its ranks today. “The solution is to mechanize”, he argues.

The invention of Forest.bot is just Guimarães’ first step in the business of providing services for reforestation. The businessman, trained in information technology, is also working on software that gathers all possible information on forestry projects, from seeds to forest management, passing through data on planted species, application of water and fertilizer, registration of the work mother , use of protective equipment and georeferencing.

The idea, he says, is for this platform to connect landowners who want to carry out RR projects with those who want to finance it, guaranteeing an asset that is currently lacking in this market: transparency to ensure that the money invested is, in fact, reforesting the planet. His plan is for the platform to complement Forest.bot’s work, as the machines will be connected to the georeferencing system.

iplantforest news noticias midia forestbot mahogany roraima

Digital Tree-Planting Operations

Robotics, blockchain, and mobile applications are digital technologies developed to boost tree-planting activities and tackle environmental degradation. These digital practices also often offer carbon-offset services to individuals, companies, and investors, while structuring new green markets that promise to transform restoration agreements into local actions.

At the same time, these technologies raise questions about how the restoration of ecosystems can create meaningful local livelihood opportunities and the distribution of benefits.


iPlantForest proposes to use blockchain operations to track and report where and how restoration actions occur. Users around the world will be able to purchase tree-planting services through a cryptocurrency token named ReforestCoin. The platform promises to develop a transparent system through databases that monitor and report how restoration projects progress at the local level. iPlantForest is made up of several companies, including Mahogany Roraima which is developing the forest bot.

Screenshot of the iPlantforest’s code of conduct. Image source: iPlantforest. Retrieved 24 June 2022, from https://iplantforest.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Code-of-Conduct-iPlantForest-2020.pdf

Forest Bot

Graphic rendering of the Real Carbon Capture Machine (RCCM), an automated tree planting machine. Image source: Mahogany Roraima [image]. Retrieved 27 July 2022, from https://mahoganyroraima.com.br/real-carbon-capture-machine/

The Forest Bots are autonomous robotic machines designed by the Brazilian company Mahogany Roraima that undertake forest management practices without human interference. The Real Carbon Capture Machine (RCCM) currently in development aims towards a self-driving system with GPS guidance, automated processes of planting, watering, fertilising, and monitoring, AI and 3D-imaging for forest inventory and analysis and recording of all actions in a cloud-based database accessible to partners and investors. Since 2016, the company has been investing in prototypes that aim to plant 100 hectares of forest in only 4 hours. The current prototype forest planting machine is tractor-operated and has the theoretical capacity to plant approximately 3,600 seedlings or 12 hectares per hour.

See the original article clicking here.


Could a tree-planting machine help save the environment?

A Brazilian inventor has designed what he claims is the world’s fastest tree planting machine. Originally intended for lucrative monoculture hardwood plantations, the current, third-generation version is able to plant multiple species using GPS, camera technologies and artificial intelligence. A fourth generation planter will offer full-reforesting capabilities at extraordinary speed, with a huge upside for the environment.

See the original article clicking here.


Trillion Trees Challenge

It is with great satisfaction that we registered to participate in the “Trillion Trees Challenge”.

We register our creation, the Forest Planting Machine. We call our machine RCCM – Real Carbon Capture Machine, since it plants trees, and tree is the most effective way to capture carbon from the atmosphere.

Follow our project during the stages of analysis by the Trillion Trees Challenge committee by clicking here.

We are confident with our participation as our RCCM plants up to 86,400 tree seedlings per day. Our machine is the fastest and most efficient way to plant forests (multiple species) today.

Get to know the event by clicking here.

RCCM f3.0 subsoils, manures and plants non-stop. It can be replenished during planting. Maximum plant of 3,600 seedlings / hour.

It transports 1.2 tons of fertilizer and manures during planting.

The operator can adjust the planting distance between the seedlings during planting. You don’t need to stop the machine to change the spacing between the seedlings. The spacing can be adjusted in meters, 3 meters, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 meters, according to the operator’s choice.

The machine can be operated by only 1 person. The person responsible for planting can organize the planting in 6-hour shifts, to plant 24 hours non-stop.

The machine plants multiple native or exotic species or a single species.

The machine has a sophisticated system connected to the cloud (transfers the data to the cloud when it locates a wifi network) that stores the data of each seedling planted: the species, the GPS position, the quality of the planting with inclination of the collection, sinking of the collection, alignment of the substrate with the soil, data that will be used to analyze the quality of planting and later to be able to: water, fertilize seedlings, combat pests, combat ants, make forest inventory or do forest health analysis, all knowing exactly where each seedling was planted with its GPS position.

Challenge timeline

  • 22 March 2021 to 23 April 2021: open call for submissions
  • 26 April 2021 to 11 June 2021: review and selection process
  • Mid-June: selected submissions will be announced at a launch event around World Day to combat Desertification and Drought
  • July 2021 to October 2021: cohort programme to scale and advance impact


Watch the video announcing the contest

You can also consult the initiative’s website: https://www.1t.org/

Follow the event on social media: https://www.instagram.com/1t_org/

Follow all about our forest planting machine: https://www.instagram.com/forest.bot/